ソフトウエアロボット - Software Robot

以下は、私がいた会社の創業者Dr. Siu Tongが、”Software Robot”というアイデアを思いついたときの経緯を書いたもの。この業界では有名な逸話だったが、最近は広められる機会も少なくなってしまった。なので、日本語訳付きでぜひ紹介しておきたい。新しい技術が生まれる時は、なんらかのドラマチックな出来事があるのだということを示す、実例でもある。産業革命を引き合いに出しているところは、いかに彼が新しい思いつきに興奮していたかが、想像できる。実際そのぐらいすごい技術だったのだ。彼が開発したEngineousというツールは、GEの多くの事業部で使われ、80年代−90年代前半GEの技術向上力とビジネス成長に大きく貢献した。

I was at MIT late 70's. went to GE Aircraft Engines at Lynn, Massachusetts in 1979 for a summer job interview. I asked the GE manager what would I be doing if I came to work there. He said I would be taking one of their software for turbine disk analysis and try different shape, materials, and flow conditions, and then plot the results at the end of the summer so he could make a decision on the final design.
I told him that seems very boring and asked could I write a program to automate the task. He said "it couldn't be done, otherwise, they won't be a few thousands of their engineer doing that kind of work everyday, not just a summer". I said ok and on the way back I recalled the lecture on Industrial revolution where people invented machine to automate tedious factory jobs and obtained significant productivity gain. Here in the 20th century where white collar workers are doing similar repetitive motion on the computer key board except no one can tell that walking by.
I thought I will come to show them how to do it right. The next day, GE mailed out a rejection letter. Not having much rejection previous to that, my ego was hurt. At that time, I had finished my Ph.D research on an experimental project, past my qualify exam, and was about to start my thesis. I decided to quit that work and started a new thesis with a different department to prove that "it can't be done".
4 years later, I showed sufficient promise of this approach GE Corporate R&D hired me. I spent 11 years and got $12M funding to development Engineous, the commercial version of my idea at MIT. The software that was said "it can't be done".


草木が凍ると美しくなる。家のそばの道端や畑の何でもない枯れた葉、木の根、花、ゴミまでもが、霜が降りて凍ると、魅力ある被写体に変身する。冬の早朝の誰も知らない楽しみ。    @厚木近辺 - Nikon D70